Mindful Breastfeeding with Anna Le Grange, the Mindful Breastfeeding Coach {S2E4}

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This week I talk to Anna Le Grange, the Mindful Breastfeeding Coach, about breastfeeding. Although I talk about mindfulness a bit, I’d never really thought about connecting it directly to breastfeeding until I came across Anna, but it makes complete sense! In this episode we discuss:

  • What mindful breastfeeding means and how it can make the difference in the breastfeeding journey.

  • Breastmilk as a living substance and its benefits for mum and baby.

  • The expectation the body has to breastfeed as a normal part of the motherhood process after pregnancy and childbirth and what that means for healing physically and mentally.

  • The statistics around breastfeeding in the UK and why they are so low.

  • The language used around breastfeeding and how that contributes to the polarisation, guilt and shame surrounding decisions mums make around how they feed their baby.

Although Anna had a straightforward breastfeeding journey with her first two children, she struggled with her third, even as an experienced paediatric nurse and breastfeeding supporter. It gave her the opportunity to experience first hand the emotions and difficulties many mothers face when struggling, and ultimately inspired her to develop her mindful approach to breastfeeding. 

About Anna

Anna Le Grange is a Lactation Consultant (IBCLC), Paediatric Nurse and Mindfulness Coach who has been working with new families for over 20 years.

A mum to three, she is passionate about helping families understand the brain–body connection and its relevance to breastfeeding and parenting. Anna works with families to help them find calm and connection in their infant feeding journey. She has written a book on the subject and also teaches Mindful Breastfeeding to practitioners around the world.  

Website (for parents) | Website (to train as a breastfeeding supporter) | Instagram | Facebook | The Mindful Breastfeeding Book

More resources for breastfeeding

Find an IBCLC lactation consultant: https://lcgb.org/find-an-ibclc/

La Leche League: https://www.laleche.org.uk/

Association for Breastfeeding Mothers: https://abm.me.uk/

National Childbirth Trust (NCT): https://www.nct.org.uk/

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