It’s time to put your health first
So you can truly thrive as chief-carer of your family
Join RECOVER, my most personalised, transformational 1:1 package that will nourish your body, mind and your soul, so you can finally be your best self for your family. We work together over 6 months so we can dig deep and see real change that sticks.
You deserve to finally exhale, unclench and slow down, free from the overwhelm and stress that motherhood has brought so far.
I know you’ve spent the years since becoming a mother trying to change the narrative of what parenting means.
Determined to break the cycle of yelling, punishment and threats.
Working hard to meet your children where they are. Seeking instinctive parenting. Empathising. Knowing the sort of adult you want your child to become.
But no-one warned you that you would forget to look after you. And what that would mean for your headspace, your health and your sense of self.
Let’s talk about changing that shall we?
I see you, tired mum…
At odds with the vision of the sort parent you thought you’d be, struggling to find the necessary pause before reacting to your toddler’s third meltdown of the morning
Grabbing soggy cereal dregs and toast crusts as you rush out for the school run, propping up your flagging energy up with coffee and biscuits
Confused about all the conflicting information about the best nutrition for your family
Permanently exhausted, snappy, grumpy and irritable with your family, struggling to think straight and remember what you’re supposed to do
Wondering whether this day-in, day-out drudgery really is all you can look forward to as a parent
You know something isn’t right but can’t quite put your finger on it. And perhaps you’re even starting to wonder whether you’re on your way to menopause and this is just the reality of your life as a mother.
And you just wish you could feel like you again.
But what if things could be different? Let’s put an end to all that and help you feel like you again.
What if…
You know exactly what to eat that will give you the energy you need to get through the day without relying on snacks and caffeine. A flexible way of eating that fits into your life, that feels joyful and freeing
You have time to prepare proper meals for the whole family that are nourishing
You have restful sleep, even when you’ve been woken up several times, feeling refreshed and ready for the day
You wake up every day with the patience, calm and good humour to deal with tantrums, even before you’ve had a coffee
You have such a spring in your step that you have finally started exercising for pleasure
People stop you at the school gate to ask what you’ve done to make you glow all the time
You fall in love with your partner all over again, reigniting the spark you’ve been missing
You had a nutritional therapist and motherhood expert in your pocket cheering you on and answering your questions whenever they pop up.
Yes, you can feel calm and in control of your day and have enough energy to parent your children with patience and kindness
Over 6 months we will use my Motherhood RESET Method as a framework to address the five areas of your life that need to be in balance for an energised motherhood….
“ Before I started working with Tasha I was, tired, stressed, suffering with painful menstrual cycles, headaches, hormonal acne and just generally fed up with not really looking after myself.
Since working with Tasha, I have less lethargy and more energy, and I feel like I can achieve anything as long as I am more conscious of myself, including my daily routine and my own thoughts.
Tasha has helped me realise that I haven’t and won’t ever be who I was before I made changes to my diet and lifestyle because I am more aware and connected to the subtle changes and have the tools ready to get back on track.
My menstrual cycles are a lot less painful which is huge! I had suffered for decades with pain during my menstrual cycle and now they are significantly less painful which has reduced my anxiety massively too.”
This is for you if you are…
Ready to put yourself first for the sake of your whole family’s health and wellbeing
Willing to take action week by week towards achieving your dream health goal
Excited to discover a new way of eating that supports your energy, and open to troubleshoot when things get challenging
Ready for a decent night sleep (no sleep training, I promise!)
This is NOT for you if you…
Are looking for a quick fix. You will feel different at the end of your package if you put the work in, but it will take time. It’s worth it for a way of living that is for good, not just for the summer!
Want a diet plan. I teach you how to eat for joy, to feel well-nourished and for good health – not punishment. I don’t encourage counting calories, macros, syns or anything else that sucks fun out of food.
Can’t find 10 minutes a day for this work. I know it’s hard to find time for ourselves in motherhood, but if you give yourself the time now, you will reap the benefits far into the future.
Are vegan – my experience shows me that to truly thrive, humans need some animal products. I have a predominantly plant-focused approach so I am able to work with vegetarians.
Have a current eating disorder or a disordered eating pattern in the recent past that is still affecting your diet habits. These are beyond my remit and scope of practice. If you’re not sure, drop me an email and we can discuss.
“I feel empowered and better equipped to deal with ongoing stressful situations, and I have less pain and less brain fog.
Before I started working with Tasha I was feeling stuck with lots of things but just generally feeling unwell, exhausted and in pain most of the time. I wasn’t sure about working with a nutritionist because I was feeling anxious about food so didn’t want to focus on it even more.
It was clear from our discovery call that Tasha had a much more holistic approach that would help me overcome this challenge and one of the biggest things I got out of our work was I can be a bit kinder to myself when it comes to food.
During our time together I received a life-changing diagnosis of autism and Tasha created an environment where I felt I could ask lots of questions, no matter how specific and detailed. I never felt judged and that’s been really important for me fresh from finding out this massive thing.”
How it works
Recover is a 6-month nutrition and lifestyle programme that will not only help you rediscover true nourishment but also give you the tools you need for good health for life – for you and your family. Each plan is tailored and individualised to address your personal challenges using the Motherhood RESET framework to address all the important areas so nothing gets missed.
Month 1 and 2: Foundations. We start with a comprehensive blood test so we can see what may be missing. During out first session we look at where you are right now and establish your goals for our work together. We will establish new habits to work into your current lifestyle, centred around a consistent and feasible routine that will build towards a good night sleep, mindful eating habits to enhance your mealtimes and introduce gentle movement that make you feel good.
Month 3 and 4: Fine tune. We assess your progress towards the goals we set and celebrate the wins. We dive deeper into everyday nutrition habits, adding nourishing food to make you feel good and get a sense of what to eat that will keep you energised. We introduce food that support a healthy immune system and improve your gut health, and check in with hydration.
Month 5 and 6: Future proof. We look at levelling up your nutrition and lifestyle to keep you feeling great for life. We look at advanced strategies to improve your sleep and your gut health and establish how to find time for regular movement that supports bone, joint and muscle health into your midlife and beyond. We discuss the importance of co-regulation for the whole family and find strategies to implement calming rituals into your daily life. We end by planning ahead for future challenges and finding coping strategies for stressful times.
This is how it works and what you’ll get…
We start with a comprehensive blood test to see exactly what nutrients may be suboptimal. Pregnancy, childbirth and breastfeeding are nutrient-hungry processes so we need to start by replenishing what’s missing.
You fill in an in-depth health questionnaire and food diary so I can see where you are now and assess your current eating habits. Many clients realise this is the first time they have really thought over their whole health history and started connecting the dots!
Once your blood test is completed, we book in for an initial 90-minute consultation. We’ll go through your health questionnaire and food diary, and uncover what got you to where you are now, covering your health goals, symptoms, health history and current eating habits. We will also discuss your blood test results and how to address what comes up. Within 48 hours of our initial consultation, I will send you a plan we’ve agreed on, along with any further testing and supplement recommendations.
We meet regularly for a 20-30 minute check-in. At the start we meet once a week; as you grow in confidence, we stretch out our meetings to give you space to embed the habits. You get 16 sessions with me over 6 months.
A personalised nutrition and lifestyle roadmap for the 6 months ahead, encompassing the 5 pillars of the Motherhood RESET Method, broken down into smaller steps which we build upon each week.
Unlimited access to me via chat for questions, support and motivation at any time during the week. No waiting around for a scheduled appointment.
Mini trainings, handouts, meal plans and workbooks as needed to support you to meet your goal.
I want you to feel fully supported in our time together, so you never waste time waiting for a consultation to answer a niggling question. There are no silly questions here! I know how busy life gets as a mother and finding time for long consultation can be so hard. That’s why I’ve switched to weekly appointments and chat support over hour-long consultations with long breaks in between - so you can get the support when you need rather than waiting for an appointment.
Let’s work together to bring more energy to your day and clarity on your health.
Your RECOVER investment is £950
or split your payment: £350 in the first month and then 5 x £120 thereafter
The first payment covers your blood test and at-home nurse visit for the blood draw.
As with all my 1:1 clients, we start with a free nutrition and health review online via video link.
During this call we talk about what you’re struggling with and how nutrition can help.
You’ll receive a health and energy review and personalised recommendations to get started on your journey to better health, more energy and joyful motherhood.
Holding your hand as you embrace your motherhood
Hi, I’m Tasha, the effortless energy finder. I help mums who are exhausted, time-poor and stressed out to rediscover their spark and find calm, confidence and joy in motherhood again.
No calorie counting, no cutting out food groups, no faddy diets, no guilt, no shame.
I blend practical wellbeing with mindfulness and mindset upgrades to bring you your version of an energised motherhood. I hold out my hand and gently guide you through the 5 pillars so you can reset, recharge and re-emerge ready to embrace motherhood with all the challenges it brings.
Frequently Asked Questions
This is for mums who are determined to make changes to their health that will see them becoming the energised parent they dream of. This is not a quick fix and lasting change will take commitment. Please note: If you have a diagnosed medical condition or are taking medication you need to get approval from your GP or medical team before you start any nutrition and lifestyle changes.
You must start with a free 40-minute nutrition review so we can talk about your health challenges and how I can help.
I cannot take on clients with a current eating disorder or history of disordered eating patterns that is currently affecting the way they respond to diet changes. If you’re not sure, book in to a discovery call and I will let you know whether I’m right for you.
From experience, when clients are looking for deep transformation, they need around 6 months to truly embed their habits and see long-lasting changes. We usually spend the first couple of months setting the foundations of good nutrition. It often takes about 3 months for any supplements we’ve introduced to work, for example to correct a nutrient insufficiency, so having the time to assess what’s working is important, and then re-testing to see what needs tweaking. It’s probably taken you months or years to build the habits you need to break, and building new habits takes time. Remember, this is just the beginning to a life-long journey to great health – forever!
This programme is for those who are ready to see huge changes in how they prioritise themselves in motherhood. Depending on your personal goals, you might lose weight, see an improvement in your skin, hair and nails, more regular, predictable cycles with less painful PMS, reduction in digestive symptoms, and so on. However, I cannot guarantee any specific result as the exact outcome depends on how much work you are able to put in. Most likely you will come away with a better understanding of how food affects your mood and energy and have more confidence in choosing food that make you feel great.
I prefer to call it a framework.
We start with what you’re currently eating and tweak them to make them ever more nutritious and supportive of your health, adding in the food that will make you feel great. It’s not about making a huge sweeping change to the way you eat immediately but step by step adaptations to your current eating habits - this is the best way to create lifelong eating habits that fit in with your life.
I will offer recipe suggestions, and resources and inspiration so you can see the sort of things I think will support your energy and health and over time what to eat will become intuitive. By the end of the plan you will feel confident knowing what to cook every week that nourishes your whole family.
If you feel like you’d benefit from personalised meal plans, I can provide them in the first month as part of the consultation fee; after that I hope you’d feel confident to ride your own meal planning bike. If you’d like to continue with personalised meal plans, I can offer this as an add on for £50 a month; we can discuss this during our time together.
Home cooking the majority of your meals is the aim, but I meet you where you’re at. If you feel your cooking skills are lacking then we can work on increasing your confidence in the kitchen - as a trained natural chef I love helping parents gain this important skill for life which they can pass on to their children! You don’t need to be a gourmet chef to produce good food, and once you learn some basic skills and know-how you will find cooking comes more naturally. You definitely don’t need to spend hours in the kitchen, and I will help you find ways to make cooking efficient and enjoyable.
This programme is different in three ways: Firstly, we work together collaboratively to set your health goals. I meet you where you’re at rather than giving you a cookie cutter, one-size-fits-all plan. I know everyone has different priorities, values, headspace and time, so we make sure the plan fits into your life.
Secondly, having me in your pocket keeps you motivated and accountable so you stick to those changes. Having someone check in on you on a regular basis helps you to reach your goal and celebrate the wins, however small. I will be your biggest cheerleader along the way!
Thirdly, I keep you on track. We will stick to the 6-month time frame so you keep working towards your goal and see the changes you want to. Continually cancelling and stretching out sessions tells me that you’re struggling to make the agreed changes, so we check in and tweak - not implementing the protocols won’t give you the desired outcome! So if I feel you’ve dropped off the radar a bit I will flag this and we will discuss a way forward. This is done from a place of love and desire for you to succeed - which is why you booked in with me!
£950 for the 6 months together. This includes a comprehensive blood test (value £220) and an at-home nurse visit for the blood draw (availability depending on location).
You can pay in full or split the payment across the 6 months.
The first month is a bigger payment to cover the cost of the blood draw and nurse visit.
Food always comes first when it comes to good nutrition so that will be the basis of our work together. However, if I think you will benefit from a supplement or need extra support due to a health concern or nutrient insufficiency then I will recommend it. I will usually suggest you take it for the minimum amount of time necessary, depending on the circumstance. The price of supplements is extra to the price of the programme but I will offer you a discount to an online supplement dispensary – I don’t take commission on supplements for 1:1 clients.
We start with a comprehensive blood test before our initial consultation. Most of my mum clients come to me with signs of nutrient depletion - this is common because pregnancy, childbirth and breastfeeding are nutrient hungry processes and many of us go into pregnancy already depleted!
In addition, if you have symptoms that indicate the need for a hormone or stool test – and it is in your goals to resolve these symptoms – then I may recommend further functional testing that will give us more clues to solve the puzzle. The cost of these tests are extra to the programme, but I will always pass on the full discount available – I don’t take commission on functional testing for 1:1 clients.
Yes, a dietician works within the public/state sector such as in a hospital and uses the science of nutrition to create eating plans for patients to treat acute medical conditions. They also work to promote good health amongst the population and in the community by facilitating a positive change in food choices.
As a nutritional therapist I provide individualised dietary and lifestyle advice for those looking for safe, natural solutions to a specific health condition. I look at the whole person, starting with the digestive system and assessing the factors affecting energy, mood and digestion. I work on getting you to feel your very best self, optimising your health so you can flourish instead of just survive day to day.
When you sign up to work with me 1:1 we use an app called Practice Better to work together. It’s where I send you your plans and protocols and share resources. It’s also how we communicate, using the chat function.
You can send messages to me whenever you need to, and I’ll reply within 48 hours, during my working hours (Monday-Friday, 9-3.30). I am not available during school holidays unless I tell you otherwise. I will always let you know of any holidays or times I am unavailable.
If you’re an introvert like me you’ll recognise how exhausting it is to spend 1:1 time on video calls; and if you’re a busy mum (like me!) you’ll know how hard it is to find time for anything regular for yourself. Keeping the bulk of our communication to text means you can message or reply to me at a time that works best for you.
We start with an initial consultation on video to get to know each other; thereafter we see each on video call regularly to check-in and celebrate progress.
How much you use the chat function for questions is up to you. There will be times when you have lots of questions or need lots of support, and times where things are a little quieter.
You don’t need to worry about bothering me ‘too much’ – you can contact me at any time via chat. I may not respond immediately but promise to do so within 48 hours, within my standard working hours of 9–3.30 Monday to Friday during school term time.
Ready to join RECOVER?
Please book in for a call below and we can establish whether this programme is right for you.