Join the FREE Back to School Self-Care Challenge


Let's start the new term by taking some time out. Join me over 7 days for a 5-minute you-focused activity each day. By the end of the week you'll feel calmer, more focused and recharged - ready for the rest of the term and school year ahead!

This is for you if:

  • You're a mum and you're exhausted after the summer holidays

  • You know you need to take time out for yourself but always feel there's something more urgent to do

  • You feel guilty anytime to you try and relax

  • You don't know how to fit in self-care with all the other things you need to do

  • You're tired of being told to take a bubble bath or have a massage - you want realistic ideas that fit into your busy life as a mother

We'll spend the week finding pockets of time for impactful self-care activities that fit into your daily life. There'll be a daily prize draw for everyone who completes the task AND a big prize draw for those who complete all 7 days.

Hi! I'm your cheerleader...

My name is Tasha D'Cruz, the nutritionist for mothers and I'm here to help you navigate the challenges of motherhood so you can bring the calm, confidence and energy you need to parent the way you always wanted to - without losing your cool and snapping all the time.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Every morning at 10.30am BST Monday 18 September–Sunday 24 September I'll be live in the Facebook group for 15 minutes or less sharing each day's self-care idea. If you can't make it live, the replay will be available to access in the group.

    In between the live sessions we'll hang out in the group where I can answer questions and cheer you on.

    I will also be hosting three exclusive mindset sessions at 8.30pm on Monday 18 September, Wednesday 20 September and Friday 22 September to get rid of those pesky inner voices that stop you from truly relaxing!

  • Possibly! But you get access to the replays for life if you sign up so why not join and work through the content in your own time? The pop-up Facebook group will archive after the week, though, so you will miss the live interaction and accountability, and the chance to win some prizes.

  • Yes, let's make this fun! Every day, anyone who completes that day's self-care task will be entered into a draw to win a self-care package. That means there are 7 opportunities to win one! And then everyone who completes all 7 day tasks (with evidence!) will be entered into a draw to win a Power Hour with me, worth £100! A Power Hour is your chance to ask me anything about self-care, motherhood, breastfeeding or nutrition - whatever we can fit into the hour, we can cover it! There will be 3 Power Hours available to win.

  • Lifetime*. Sign up and get the replays and self-care workbook to go back over whenever you need them.

    The pop-up Facebook group will archive after the week, so make the most of it to ask questions and learn from others.

    *By lifetime I mean lifetime of my business and as long as I continue to use Facebook Business.

  • Yes, this challenge is for you if you're pregnant, have a newborn, a toddler or a pre-schooler. In fact, it's for anyone who feels guilty relaxing and finds it hard to find time for themselves. Taking time out for yourself is the most important pillar to becoming a calm parent so this is the best way to start making time for it.

  • This challenge will have genuine actionable ideas to implement straight away. It's not just a vague spiel everyday lecturing you about how important self-care is. We will get in the trenches together and find our way out towards a little more calm everyday.

    This is the stuff I want my clients to work on first so they can have the headspace and calm to tackle all the other things to get more energy, improve their health and mental wellbeing.

    At the end of the challenge, I will tell you about how you can get further support through a one-off Power Hour with me - but remember, if you do all 7 days of the challenge you’ll be in the running to win one of these valuable 1:1 hours with me.

    By joining the challenge you will be added to my mailing list (if you're not already there!) which means you enter my world as we navigate the challenges of motherhood together. I'll bring you tips, updates on my podcast and blog and you'll be the first to hear about new offerings.