Join me to learn how to get better sleep every single night so you can spring out of bed every day, ready for the challenges of motherhood

Thursday 23 May 2024 @ 8pm | Online via Zoom


Discover the secrets of good quality sleep even if your little ones are still waking through the night. Come in your pyjamas, grab a cuppa, a notebook and an open mind as I share...

  • How and why we sleep – and why knowing this helps you plan your day for a great night’s sleep

  • Your daily rhythm, and how you can adapt your day to ensure you’re ready for sleep at bedtime

  • The four key sleep struggles and how to overcome them

  • What to eat all day long for better sleep

This is for you if…

  • You’re tired of waking in the morning feeling like a zombie

  • You blame your little ones for waking you through the night and feel there’s nothing you can do about it but grin and bear it

  • The first thing you think of when you open your eyes is COFFEE and you are on your fourth by midday

  • You reach for biscuits and cake at 11am, and 3pm… and again at 9pm. And a cheeky bit of chocolate just before bed…

  • You dearly wish you could have an evening full of meaningful connection with your partner, plenty of time for self-care and a restful night’s sleep

  • You wish you could lose a few kilos of baby weight but feel too tired for exercise, and the diets don’t work

  • And mainly this is for you if you feel completed depleted and exhausted in your motherhood, and wish there was a way you could feel more joy and ease in your day-to-day life

By the end of the workshop you will...

  • Know exactly how to start your day right to set your body up for sleep

  • Have designed an ideal evening routine that prioritises connection with yourself and your partner

  • Understand the different hormones that govern sleep and have a plan in place to sort them out

  • Know how to plan your meals to keep your body satisfied and set you up for a great night’s sleep

  • Be able to pinpoint any specific issues that may need further investigation

What people say about my workshops…

“I feel really seen and it's just so relatable and helpful. It's got me thinking loads, so thank you so much!” - Jo S

“This really resonates! And feels empowering to know there are things we can do to help ourselves!” - Rebecca BM

“I think there's a lot to take away and digest. I've been screenshotting a lot of your slides as need to sit down with a notepad and try think through everything!” - Helen W.


  • It’s on Thursday 23 May at 8pm; there will be a replay if you can’t make it live. I will be letting people n throughout the workshop so even if you turn up late you can still join in and get huge value from it.

  • Yes, the workshop will be recorded and I will share the replay within 24 hours, so you can catch up in your own time. If you can move things around and attend live I would recommend it – if you're anything like me you buy courses and workshops intending to watch the replay – but never get round to it! Plus if you attend live you'll be able to get your questions answered live by me. And there's a wonderful energy to get you motivated when there are others around you. You'll have access to the workshop replay indefinitely via Podia, so long as I continue running my business using this platform.

  • The workshop is £30. If you’re receiving benefits or Universal Credit, or just can’t afford to pay full price right now for any reason — there’s a lower, no-questions-asked price of £5 for the course. Just email me on and I'll send you the discount code.

  • No, I’m not a sleep coach and this is about YOUR sleep as a mum. I will offer suggestions and resources if you would like some help on gently encouraging independent sleep but my focus is on how you can maximise the quality of your own sleep. A lot of the information is relevant for ANYONE though, so you can definitely apply some of the principles to your children’s sleep.

  • I know exactly how you feel – my so was the same! I will show you how to plan your day so you can give yourself the best quality sleep possible. You may not be able to do much about your baby’s sleep and the number of hours you can sleep in a stretch, but I know from experience (personal and client’s!) that there is plenty you can do for yourself to get better sleep.

  • Yes, absolutely. There is nothing in here that will affect your breastfeeding journey; if anything it will help improve it! Once you understand the true importance of sleep you can work out how to prioriise your own sleep as well as your baby’s.

  • Absolutely not! I’m not a baby sleep coach and this is not about your child’s sleep, it’s about your sleep. If you need ideas about gently encouraging independent sleep, I can provide ideas and resources, but this is about your own habits and what you can do for yourself

  • You can DM me on Instagram @tashadcruz or email me