6 Immune-Supporting Foods to Eat this Winter

This is generally the time of year where we are more likely to get rundown and catch a cold. This isn’t because there are more viruses and bacteria around than any other time of year, but because we live in conditions that allow us to be more susceptible – we keep windows and doors closed, we stay inside more because the weather isn’t inviting, we’re cooped up indoors closer to people than at other times of the year.

If you’re pregnant, your immune system is dampened down

If you’re pregnant, your immune system is dampened down, so you’re more likely to catch something. At parties, you're surrounded by more people than usual, perhaps at quite close quarters, so you are exposed to more viruses and bacteria than you might normally be on a day-to-day basis. With Christmas around the corner, you’re also probably staying up a bit later than normal and not getting enough sleep, and perhaps you’re overindulging a little bit on sugary festive foods.

All of these factors are an assault on the immune system and can contribute to us being more susceptible to colds and feeling run down. The temptation is to think “F**k it, I’ll start again in January,” and eat whatever you like. In fact, for all of those reasons above, this is exactly the best time of year to be even more aware of eating well on the meals that you can control, especially during pregnancy and when breastfeeding. The last thing you want is to be nursing a virus or infection - look after a Small with a cold is Not Fun!

To help you keep your immune system working well, here are my top 6 immune-boosting food you can get into your diet today.

  1. Leafy greens

    Leafy greens are full of vitamins and minerals that stimulate the immune system – vitamin K, A and C are particular highlights, and they’re also full of antioxidants. A really easy way to get them in is to start your day with a veg-focused smoothie. Make sure you are adding some veg and not overly focusing on fruit, as you’ll end up loading up on sugar, which is not great for the immune system! You can also add a good quality protein powder (make sure it’s suitable for pregnancy and breastfeeding), which helps to slow down digestion and keep you going for longer.

  2. Oats and mushrooms

    Both of these are high in a type of sugar called beta-glucans. This is anti-inflammatory and can help stimulate immune function, especially in the gut. These two foods are also prebiotic, which means they are a source of food for gut bacteria, which are also really important for a good immune response.

  3. Yoghurt

    Yoghurt and other live fermented food help maintain good colonies of healthy bacteria in your gut. Around 70% of your immune system comes from your gut, so making sure your gut is functioning well is really key, both by feeding it the right food (i.e. prebiotics, see above) and feeding it beneficial bacteria (probiotics) to colonise and outnumber bad bacteria.

  4. Orange vegetables

    Vegetables such as butternut squash and sweet potatoes are high in vitamin A and vitamin C. Vitamin A is anti-viral and supports the cells of the skin, gut and lungs. These organs are our first line of defence – they are the first parts of the body that bacteria and viruses come across. So if you have a strong cell structure, then you've got a really good first line defence on these barriers against the outside world.

  5. Oily fish

    These contain omega 3s which are an essential fat you can only obtain from diet. Oily fish such as salmon and sardines are great sources of omega 3. are also really good for the gut lining are anti-inflammatory, so especially important for ensuring you have the correct immune response.

  6. Garlic

    Garlic is anti-viral, antibacterial and anti-fungal. Basically, if you add garlic into everything, you'll be doing your immune system a huge favour!

You could stir-fry some green leafy veg and mushrooms with, mash some sweet potato, cook a piece of salmon and squeeze over some lemon. Finish your meal with a bowl of yogurt and voila: an immune-boosting, anti-inflammatory dinner. Without investing in any weird potions and pills you’ve got all of the nutrients you need to keep your immune system in good shape in just one meal!

If you’ve been feeling more run down than usual during pregnancy or after giving birth and would like tailored advice specific to you, book on to a discovery call with me to discuss where you are. I can support you throughout pregnancy and after giving birth so you can be sure to be giving your baby everything it needs to develop and grow healthily, and so you stay in good health too, able to cope with the challenges of being a mum!