8 Breastfeeding Myths (Busted) {S4E3}

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Today on Raising Healthy Mothers I'm busting 8 common breastfeeding myths. These are the sort of things I hear so often and it breaks my heart how many mums are stopped in their track just because of old wives tales and outdated advise circulating from friends and family, and even sometimes from healthcare professionals!

So in this episode I've picked out the 8 most common ones and busted them. I hope that by the end of the episode you'll feel more confident in knowing that:

  • Breastfeeding doesn't have to (and shouldn't!) hurt

  • Breastfeeding may not come naturally - you need to be proactive in learning about it!

  • A fussy baby doesn't necessarily mean you're not feeding enough

  • You probably will produce enough milk, as long as your baby effectively removes it

  • Your partner can bond with baby in many ways other than feeding them with a bottle

  • Fed is minimum rather than best...

The best leg up you can give yourself if you're planning to breastfeed is to educate yourself as much as possible and find out what support is available to you - BEFORE you give birth. Hoping to breastfeed but winging it is not going to give you the best chance; finding out how breastfeeding actually works during pregnancy is best way to start preparing for breastfeeding.

There are many more myths about breastfeeding that I haven't mentioned here. I'm on a mission to give as many women as much support as I can during pregnancy and the early days. As a mindful breastfeeding supporter I offer antenatal education around breastfeeding and postnatal assessment of latch and position and troubleshooting issues. I also help mums through guided relaxations, breathwork and affirmations so they have the tools to remain calm and confident, despite the challenges.

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