Posts in self-care
{8.7} Stepping Out of my Comfort Zone: 4 Profound Discoveries While Coasteering in Devon

This week on Raising Healthy Mothers I take you on an unforgettable adventure, packed with personal discoveries, heart-pounding challenges, and a healthy dose of cheesy self-reflection.

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{8.6} Words of Motherhood: A Conversation on Journalling with Emma Cottam of Isabella and Us

Today on Raising Healthy Mothers I'm welcoming Emma Cottam of Isabella and Us back onto the show to discuss journalling, the transitions in motherhood and learning to listen to your intuition.

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{8.5} Finding Joy in Food with Kate Longden the Food Doula

Today on Raising Healthy Mothers I'm talking to Kate Longden, also known as the Food Doula. Kate describes herself as Chef, Nurturer, Cooking Coach and Founder of the original food hug meal delivery service offering edible support across the UK.

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5 Reasons You Still Haven't Lost the Baby Weight {7.7}

In this episode I'm going to discuss the 5 reasons you're might be struggling to lose weight - without telling you that you're simply eating too many calories! Because I know weight loss is so much more than simply calories in and out and I want you to feel confident in the choices you make.

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Confused About Nutrition: Just tell me what to eat! {7.3}

Today I’m talking about confusion about nutrition - why it’s so difficult to know what to eat, why it’s so hard to stick to a diet and the one biggest influence on your health and wellbeing. And I offer 6 basic principles to get you started on having a healthier approach to diet and nutrition.

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The Christmas Quickies Special: How to Enjoy a Guilt-free Christmas Part 3

How do you feel once Christmas is over? What's your usual thought process when January rolls around? Do you end Christmas feeling shameful and guilty? Do you promise you'll 'get back on the bandwagon' in January? What if you could end December with a joyful look back on the month you've had - the food you've enjoyed, the people you've spent time with, the memories you've made?

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The Christmas Quickies Special: How to Enjoy a Guilt-free Christmas Part 1

How do you feel once Christmas is over? What's your usual thought process when January rolls around? Do you end Christmas feeling shameful and guilty? Do you promise you'll 'get back on the bandwagon' in January? What if you could end December with a joyful look back on the month you've had - the food you've enjoyed, the people you've spent time with, the memories you've made?

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Motherhood Transition and Postpartum Recovery with Steph Gruenke, RDN {S5E4}

This week on Raising Healthy Mothers I'm speaking to Stephanie Gruenke about Matrescence - the transition to motherhood that we all go through - and discuss what this means for effective postpartum recovery in a world where mums are often left to their own recovery after giving birth.

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When Can I Start Losing Weight After Having a Baby? {S5E3}

In today's episode I'm discussing postnatal weight loss. This is a difficult topic because there's such an enormous pressure from society to 'snap back' or fit into your pre-pregnancy jeans soon after giving birth. But that's so unrealistic! And also - so unnecessary, at least for a few months after giving birth. Because your body has done a wonderful thing by growing, birthing and feeding your baby.

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Why You're Losing Hair After Giving Birth (and what to do about it) {S5E2}

In today's episode I'm talking about postpartum hairloss - why it happens and what to do about it. First of all, please know it is completely normal and a part and parcel of the hormone rollercoaster that happens after giving birth. Isn't motherhood wonderful!

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