How to Optimise a Plant-based Diet in Motherhood {S3E3}

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In today's episode I'm discussing how to optimise a plant-based diet in motherhood. This year almost half a million people signed up for Veganuary - the month where you pledge to go vegan for a month. There is an enormous growing interest in following a plant-based diet for the health of the planet or for animal welfare reasons. And this is certainly reflected in the women I see in practice, speak to on courses or meet on Facebook in parenting groups.

But is it healthy to be a vegan during pregnancy and when breastfeeding? Is it healthy for children to be plant-based? What are the key nutrients that might be missing from a plant-based diet?

In this episode I'll discuss

  • The increased nutrient demands placed on the body during pregnancy and early motherhood

  • The 5 key nutrients harder to obtain through a vegan diet

  • 4 important things to know about optimising a plant-based diet to ensure you're getting the nutrients you need and absorbing them well.

Being a mum is stressful and the extra nutritional demands from pregnancy, labour and breastfeeding, as well as coping with broken sleep is often not replenished so mums often find themselves in a situation of being in a state of high needs but unable to meet those needs due to lack of time, energy, resources and knowledge to prepare quick and easy nutritious meals. Symptoms of fatigue, low energy, difficulty coping are common regardless of lifestyle, and it's one way our body is telling us (loudly!) that it needs to be looked after and properly nourished.

If you do follow a plant-based diet or are planning to and would like to discuss the impact it might be having on your and your family's health, then I invite you to join me for a free virtual cup of tea via zoom to find out more about you and your challenges:

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