Postnatal Freezer Food with Milly Bagot of byRuby

Postnatal Freezer Food Milly Bagot.jpg

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Today I welcome Milly from byRuby to the podcast. byRuby is a healthy frozen meals delivery service with an awesome range of food, including a box specially put together for new parents.

In our chat we talk about:

  • What healthy means to Milly and how it informs the values and ethos at byRuby

  • What new mothers need when it comes to food after giving birth

  • How byRuby choose and develop their dishes and recipes and their flexitarian approach

  • The influence of our grannies who were brilliant cooks and able to whip up great homemade food at the drop of a hat

  • Milly’s top tips for new parents preparing for the postnatal phase

I really enjoyed our chat because we had very similar values when it comes to what healthy means and eating a balanced diet. Like me, Milly had a great support network when she gave birth - her sisters filled her own freezer with comforting, nourishing food to eat in the first few weeks after giving birth. Realising how important this was to her recovery, Milly used this as inspiration when she created byRuby meals.

As a mother of three, Milly knows all about looking after yourself in the postnatal phase is, so I asked Milly for her top tips for new parents:

  1. Batch cook - as well as having her sisters fill her freezer, Milly prepared some of her own favourite food to dip into in the first few weeks.

  2. Make sure there’s something sweet in the house. A nice treat to pick you up can go such a long way to making you feel a bit more human amidst the sleepless nights!

  3. Accept any help you can get. It can be hard to have the confidence to say yes to help but people genuinely want to help so practice saying yes.

  4. Rest before the baby comes. It’s a cliché given to new mums but it’s so true. You’ll never know true rest again!

After we recorded the interview, Milly sent me a box of her favourite dishes from their range so I got to taste their food and I loved it. It tasted homemade, like something I would make myself, full of great quality ingredients, comforting and nourishing. I really wish I’d had a stash in my freezer after I gave birth!

If you’d like to give byRuby meals a try, use the code TASHA15 to get 15% off your first order. 

Find byRuby: Website | FacebookInstagram

New parent box:

And if you’re looking for inspiration on filling your freezer with your own food, I’ve prepared a free Guide to Batchcooking you can download. It includes how to prepare for your batch cook, top tips and mistakes to avoid and recipes to get you started.


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