Postnatal Planning with Maisie Nicholls

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Today I speak to Maisie Nicholls, postnatal wellness coach and doula-in-training. 

In this episode we discussed:

  • Her mental health journey through depression and how it informed her decision to work with mothers

  • Why mums’ wellbeing in the postnatal phase often gets forgotten about

  • The effects of not looking after your mental health

  • Why postnatal preparation is key to good mental health

  • Practical tips on making a postnatal plan

Maisie is a mother of two and in her day job works as a perimental health social worker, so she is really immersed in the world of perimental wellbeing.

Many pregnant mums spend time writing a birth plan - sometimes quite detailed, and some (like me!) write two or three birth plans in case Plan A doesn’t work. But very few actually look ahead to how the postnatal phase is going to go. Who they can turn to for support, how they’ll make sure they’ve got the food they need, who they can talk to when they need. And so many women I speak to say something along the lines of ‘Why didn’t anyone tell me this would be so hard?’

Maisie pre-empted the fact that she might have issues with mental health based on a previous history and tried to get help and information from her midwives and health professionals, but because she didn’t have any specific symptoms, she wasn’t able to access help and wasn’t aware of the sort of things she can do for herself. She found this hugely frustrating once she learnt about some basic that would have helped, and potentially given her start to motherhood a different direction. Her mission is to get the information out there that making a postnatal plan to look after yourself can go a long way to making it the way you want it to be.

Connect with Maisie: Website | Podcast | Download her free postnatal planner


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