{9.8} How to Make it Work: Managing Exhaustion While Breastfeeding Your Second Child

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I recently ran a poll asking mums what their biggest worry was about breastfeeding for a second time. The unanimous response was around managing tiredness and exhaustion of breastfeeding while caring for an older child as well.

I totally get it. The first time round it hits you like a tonne of bricks - how dependent this tiny creature is on you - and how they don't seem to have a clue when is the appropriate time to sleep.

But second time round - not only do you have to work out how to keep your new baby alive, you also have to pay attention to your eldest child.

I'm not going to sugar coat it. It is exhausting.

So in this episode I'm going to talk about that exhaustion. I’m covering…

  • 3 reasons why it might not be as exhausting as you think

  • 6 ways to muddle through the exhaustion

  • Why it’s not just about lack of sleep and physical exhaustion

  • How mindful breastfeeding plays a part

On Thursday 2 November at 8pm GMT I’m running a free webinar: Breastfeeding Revisited: Second-Time Success Secrets. During the webinar I’m going to walk you through the steps to unpick your previous breastfeeding experience and contemplate what you can do differently this time round. It will be recorded so if you can’t make it live you can watch the replay. Sign up here.

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