Posts tagged the first forty days
The First Three Weeks: Recovering from Birth {S3E1}

Today's episode walks you through the nutrients that will support you recovery in the first 3 weeks after giving birth. These weeks are really important in the healing process and can have a major impact on the whole motherhood journey if they are not taken slowly and gently.

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What is Nutritional Therapy? {S2E12}

Today is the last episode in this season - and the last of 2020! So this episode is all about me. Or more specifically - what I do. Because people are often a little bit confused about what nutritional therapy actually is, so today I talk about what nutritional therapy is and how I work to help mothers nourish themselves so they can get their energy back, focus on having fun again and finally become the mum they always hoped to be.

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What is the Fourth Trimester? {S2E11}

Today I’m talking about the fourth trimester. Most mums have never even heard of it but I think it’s a crucial piece of knowledge that could help put to rest that one thing so many mums say: ‘I wish I had known how hard it would be in the early days.’ Knowing and understanding about the fourth trimester might just help make it a little bit easy, a little less anxious and a little more restful.

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