What is Nutritional Therapy? {S2E12}

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Today is the last episode in this season - and the last of 2020! So this episode is all about me. Or more specifically - what I do. Because people are often a little bit confused about what nutritional therapy actually is. So today I'm covering:

  • What nutritional therapy is

  • My approach to health and nutrition, particularly my unique approach to working with mothers

  • The 4 core systems in the body I focus on during a consultation

  • The 5-point star that underpins good health that I work on with my clients

  • What working with me looks like

If by the end of the episode you're inspired to look into working together, you'll know that the first step is to book in for a free virtual Tea with Tasha session for a chinwag. Over a virtual cup of tea we'll talk about your challenges and how you’d love to feel instead. By the end you will:

  • Understand how your diet could be making you feel rubbish

  • Discover what specific foods to add in start feeling better

  • Learn a couple of simple strategies to level up your meals so you can stop missing out on important nutrients

All done in the time it takes to drink a cup of tea while it's still hot - for once! To book in, click here or the button below.

I look forward to speaking to you!

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