What is the Fourth Trimester? {S2E11}

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Today I'm answering a question that most people don't even think to ask - because it's barely discussed as part of your standard antenatal care! Yet it could be one of the most important steps towards truly coping and ultimately flourishing as a mother. In fact, most mums I know say 'I wish someone had told me how hard it would be in the early days.' It might be impossible to truly get across what it's like, but I hope that by understand what the fourth trimester is - and truly honouring it - then this most difficult time can perhaps be made a little easier.

In this episode I'll cover:

  • What the fourth trimester is

  • The three distinct phases of the fourth trimester

  • Four coping strategies so you can emerge stronger and calmer (the last is the most important!)

I hope that by listening to this episode you feel a little more prepared for the challenges of the first three months. And if you have already had a baby, perhaps it will help you make a bit more sense about why things were the way they were in those early days.

Links and resources:


If you're a mum to be, a new mum or a mum of a pre-schooler, I'm offering free Tea with Tasha sessions for mums who need a cup of tea and a good chinwag to sort out their health niggles. Over a virtual cup of tea we'll talk about your challenges and by the end you will:

    • Understand what might be missing from your diet that could be making you feel a bit rubbish

    • Discover what food to eat to make you feel better

    • Learn a couple of meals you can add to your repertoire so you don't keep missing out on it

All done in the time it takes to drink a cup of tea while it's still hot - for once!

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