What to Eat to Power Childbirth {S2E9}

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In today's episode I'm discussing what to eat during labour. This is probably one of the most neglected areas when it comes to nutrition in motherhood! Back when I was pregnant with my son, my doula and hypnobirthing teacher taught me her Chewing Timeline - what to eat in each phase of labour. I've taught it on courses and to my clients ever since. It wasn't something they'd considered before and it was a lightbulb moment for them - just like it was for me!

So that's what I'm sharing this week. In this episode you'll discover:

  • Why not preparing to eat during labour could be a big mistake for many people

  • The 5 key nutrients for childbirth and recovery

  • The 3 phases in the chewing timeline - and what to eat in each to power your labour

  • The importance of preparing more than you think you need - and how to do it.

Few mums receive advice on preparing for labour from a nutrition point of view, and few will think to ask about it. But I think this is a major missing piece of the puzzle, especially given the link between birth trauma and postnatal depression, and the role that good nutrition can play in guarding against these things from an energy and mental health point of view.

Links and resources:

Batch Cooking eBook

The Chewing Timeline

Calm HypnoBirthing by Sophie Kirkham

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