3 Ways to Boost Energy and Feel Less Exhausted as a Mum {S4E1}

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New season new episode! Today on Raising Healthy Mothers I'm talking about exactly why we feel so exhausted as mums. It's a bit of a cliche that mums are tired and while for the most part we are simply expected to do way too much in a way that we never would for most of our history, there are lifestyle and diet factors that further affect our overall feeling of exhaustion and fatigue, factors that are modifiable.

In the episode I'll cover:

  • Why you feel so exhausted as a mum

  • How what you eat (and what you don't eat!) is contributing to how you're feeling

  • The signs to look out for that show you need to have a re-think of how you're eating

  • My three top tips to boost your energy with your diet - starting immediately.

Mothering is really hard, and staying on top of what you eat is one more thing on your list of Things To Do. But it doesn't have to be complicated, and sometimes just some small tweaks can make all the difference.

To help you on the way, I've designed a 5-day meal plan that covers a lot of the bases I talk about in the episode. And in the interest of keeping things easy, I've included recipes, a shopping list  and even a meal prep guide, so you just have to set aside two hours at the weekend, get everything prepped and you've got all you  need for the week ahead. Download the meal plan here.

Mentioned in the podcast:

Busy Mum? Download my free 5-day Family Friendly Meal Plan and Prep Guide

Soon to give birth? Download my Guide to Eating During Labour and Postnatal Healing Recipes e-Book

Want more energy? Get my 7-day Mini Course straight to your inbox - for all mums whether you’re pregnant, recently given birth or running around after a toddler.

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