Positive Wellbeing for Mums with Emma Cottam of Isabella and Us {S2E6}

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Today I talk to Emma Cottam of Isabella and Us and founder of the Positive Wellbeing Magazine and Podcast. Emma wears many hats - she’s a speaker, writer, editor, designer and photographer. She started her business, Isabella and Us, when her daughter was just 4 weeks old and then founded the Positive Wellbeing Zine and Podcast for Mums nine months later.

We talked about:

  • How she came to start a business within 4 weeks of giving birth

  • Why positive wellbeing for mums is needed 

  • How being creative gave her an outlet away from being a mum that she really needed 

  • Why buying stuff for the parents is more useful than stuff for the baby

  • The fact that giving birth to a baby is also a rebirth for the parents

  • What Emma would tell her pregnant self if she could go back in time, and her three top tips for preparing to becoming a mother

Emma was really honest and open around her experiences as a mother and candid about her struggles to bond with her daughter and the ongoing work she is doing to establish that relationship with her. I found it heartbreaking at times, but I’m so grateful to her for sharing her experience to help normalise the whole spectrum of feelings you can experience as a mother. I find it amazing that despite her experiences during pregnancy and postnatally, she’s still very positive about how she’s grown and developed as a result of the experience and that it’s led to how she is as a person. Even more so that she has turned into a mission to promote positivity and help other mums access resources to remind them they are winning as a mummy - the core message in everything she does. 

This was a powerful episode to record and I was reminded once again how strong we mums really are.

Find Emma: WebsiteInstagram | Facebook | Positive Wellbeing Zine | Positive Wellbeing Podcast

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