What to Eat in the Third Trimester {S2E5}

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In today’s episode, I’m presenting the third in my series on Nutrition in the First 1000 Days, from conception to age 2. This is when the greatest development and growth happens for your child - but just as much as they  need to be nourished, so do you! Today I’m discussing nutrition in the third trimester and I’ll cover:

  • The growth and development your baby is going through {4:50}

  • The key nutrients to think about during the third trimester {8:29}

  • The changes you are experiencing {9:54}

  • Common symptoms during the third trimester and how to manage them naturally {10:46}

  • A sneak peek into what you might need to think about AFTER giving birth {22:53}

  • The top five foods to eat that will keep you and your baby nourished {24:32}

The focus in the third trimester is as much on what YOU need as what to eat for your baby’s growth and development. Of all the trimesters, this is the one to really pay attention, because at this point you want to be building strength and nutrient reserves to power your labour, ensure breastfeeding gets off to a good start, and build resilience for the stress of early motherhood.

All of these start with the food you eat!

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