How To Find Time for Yourself (aka Self-Care!)

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What if we stopped seeing self-care as a special favour to ourselves, but something as necessary as food and sleep? I have a bit of a love-hate relationship with the concept of self care. I think the idea behind it is great, but I hate that it puts the onus on us to do some sort of grand gesture for ourselves, when genuinely we barely have time to even just go and have a shower!

So in this episode I’m introducing what I call mini me-moments, and I explain why I think they could be the game changer for you when it comes to motherhood. I discuss:

  • Why it’s important to find time for yourself

  • How to find that time

  • How to make it work for you (not anyone else)

  • How to make it stick

  • Practical suggestions on what to do in the time that you have

If you’re impatient and need to skip ahead to the bits that really interest you, here’s the timestamp:

  • 0:50 What this week’s episode is about

  • 2:08 What I share in this episode and my experience with an 18-month-old toddler

  • 5:09 How what I’m going to share could completely change your motherhood

  • 6:50 Why identifying whether you’re an introvert or extrovert can help

  • 8:02 How to identify whether you’re an introvert or extrovert

  • 9:03 Mini me-moments - what are they?

  • 9:50 How to find time for yourself

  • 11:01 How to make it work in the time you have

  • 13:38 Finding mini me-moments and examples

  • 14:48 How to make it stick

  • 15:10 Ideas for introverts and extroverts for mini me-moments

  • 16:42 What to do in half an hour once a week or a couple of hours once a month

  • 17:50 Why doing it regularly is going to make you a better mum

  • 18:39 Episode summary

  • 19:42 How I help mums with self-care

If you want to stop sleepwalking through motherhood and actually enjoy it, book in for your free call. Or if you prefer to email me for more information, you can contact me via my website.

Final note - this is the last episode in this season as I’m taking August off from podcasting. I’ll be back in September with more topics and guests to help you feel supported and nurtured on your motherhood journey. If you’ve enjoyed this podcast, please leave a review and a rating as it makes a huge difference to how many people I can reach!

You can read the full transcript of this episode here.

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