Posts tagged Christmas
The Christmas Quickies Special: How to Enjoy a Guilt-free Christmas Part 3

How do you feel once Christmas is over? What's your usual thought process when January rolls around? Do you end Christmas feeling shameful and guilty? Do you promise you'll 'get back on the bandwagon' in January? What if you could end December with a joyful look back on the month you've had - the food you've enjoyed, the people you've spent time with, the memories you've made?

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The Christmas Quickies Special: How to Enjoy a Guilt-free Christmas Part 1

How do you feel once Christmas is over? What's your usual thought process when January rolls around? Do you end Christmas feeling shameful and guilty? Do you promise you'll 'get back on the bandwagon' in January? What if you could end December with a joyful look back on the month you've had - the food you've enjoyed, the people you've spent time with, the memories you've made?

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