The First 6 Months of Motherhood: Active Recovery {S3E8}

The First 6 Months of Motherhood {S3E8}.jpg

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In this week's episode on Raising Healthy Mothers, I'm talking about recovery in the first six months of motherhood. Whereas there's a lot of information on how to have a healthy pregnancy, and even how to recover and cope in the fourth trimester, I believe the healing and recovery continues well into the first 6 months, and even beyond. After the initial period of deep rest and recovery, more active recovery begins, encompassing much more than just the physical aspects of pregnancy and childbirth. At this point we start to discover the sheer mental load of being a mother.

So in this episode I discuss:

  • The different phases of recovery in the first 6 months

  • The concept of matrescence, or transition into motherhood and what that means for your emotional wellbeing and mental health

  • The specific nutrient needs needed in the active recovery period

  • How to keep on top of needing to eat nutritious food, while doing all the other mothering you need to do!

I hope this episode helps to start the conversation that mothers continue to be nurtured and nourished, well after the midwives and health visitors have signed you off in the first six months. This is the most fragile and vulnerable time for new mothers - and no matter how strong they seem on the outside, all mums need all the support they can get to maintain resilience through one of the most turbulent times of motherhood.

This episode is a continuation of my series on the very best nutrition in the first 1000 days of motherhood - from conception to toddlerhood. You can listen to the previous episodes in this series here:

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